Saturday, June 12, 2010

Marriage Materials !!! But why ?

Its already been a week since i started writing on my blog again. It was a hectic week to be precise. I actually thought of writing various topics over the last one week. But just had a long and serious conversation with few of my friends and couldn't stop myself from writing about this. I recently read this book called 2 States written by Chetan Bhagat which had a very precise and crisp way of defining the scenario of how love marriages are handled in India. For those who did not the read the book this is how it goes.

"Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy.
Girl's family has to love boy. Boy's family has to love girl.
Girl's Family has to love Boy's Family. Boy's family has to love girl's family.
Girl and Boy still love each other. They get married."

All is well if it ends well. I'm happy if all lovers have a successful ending. But its much harder and tougher for a girl to pull of a certain love marriage. I might not sound straight with my gender over this topic. But i felt it was best to speak the truth and let people know how hard it is on the girls especially in India the way the entire society treat them.

So, why does a girl become a MARRIAGE MATERIAL ? Its hard to believe that in India, girls become a burden to their parents after a certain point. It is even harder to believe that most educated parents go to extreme ends to get their marriage material or may i say their daughter get married with in a certain age limit. I totally agree when the parents say that they've faced life much more than their daughter and they know what best is for her. But why then do they want to make her study and build hopes inside her to various heights of imagination if they were to do this someday. I would rather recommend child marriage over this. I seriously am bothered how many more girls from our country are going to throw their career ambitions into their kitchen sink for their parents happiness. As i mentioned in my earlier posting, Times have changed and people have moved on but why don't parents in our country start respecting their daughter and move on with her to make her feel special about having them. I'm sure lot of girls out their would be going through lot of frustration over the way their parents behave when they get to become the so called marriage material. This trend is going to follow until unless we the current generation do not change our attitude towards these things.

For those who thought i was done with my posting for today I'm sorry but its not yet done. I had to prove i was straight if not would have to face quiet a few rounds of criticism. So all that i wrote was about the girls who were not in love and their problems. So was i only bothered about the girls who were not in love and have only career ambitions ? Obviously not !. For those in love its even tougher to manage these stuff's . A guy who has a lover going through all this just has that bit of extra pressure and needs to settle down so fast that he has to give up even his career for the girl and what happens is a very awkward situation. Two people loose their career just to get together in life. And this again gets back to the point cause of this MARRIAGE MATERIAL tag people give to the girls in our country.I guess i've said enough about this . Cannot get way to detailed into this and get some bit throttling from my parents for this. So i should rather say let some Mobile giant start initiative called "Save our Girls" just the way Aircel started for the tigers. After all there are only 832 girls for every 1000 boys.


Pradyut said...

Very very very true!

I don't get this nonsense of 'marriagable age'. Why educate the girl only to tie her down later against her wishes (in most cases atleast)? This has lot to do with our 'society' and the fear of what the 'society' would think.

Honestly, we are still living in a prehistoric age when it comes to such issues. We need to learn a lot from our western counterparts regarding the freedom, and mostly importantly, importance given to individuality.

C Jeshwanth said...

You got it all right there. It will take time though for things to change.

Maddy said...

The perception of marriage in our country should change.It is not something which ought to happen on attaining a certain age.It is kind of a senseless social obligation in our country binding the freedom of many people(esp girls career wise).
For love marriages:
I am really interested to know the percentage of love marriages which happen as quoted from the chetan's book.I ll be surprised to know if the percentage is more than one.

Maddy said...
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C Jeshwanth said...

Yeah ! As you said i guess one in hundred would be strong enough to pull of a love marriage in our country.